
で、生まれると、相互協力的になるらしい。それは40億年の進化の過程において、隠された the driving force
 (= the storong influence) であったらしい。愛も、ケアも、友情も、尊敬も、信頼も、相互協力関係の産物である、というコンクルージョンが素晴らしいですね。
care が上手く訳せなくてごめんなさい。気遣い?心遣い?それとも心配?苦労?でしょうか。
Sumarry: We are not selfish.
Science is telling us that we are co-operators. Evidence from evolutionary biology, psychology and
anthropology  shows our sophisticated capacity for co-operation. It is at the heart of our evolutionary

We are born selfish. Infants develop slowly and need a lot of care. According to  a  professor of anthropology at the University of California , mothers need help, especially from older women, to cope with child. The babies would have been good at showing tendencies and emotions. More and more they cry, their mother need more help. And they will be co-operators.

For most of human history, to be co-operative was the only sure way to get food on a regular basis. If a hunter returned with nothing, they would rely on sharing food brought by other more successful members. Then they worked out how to cook food. Hunting, cooking and eating together required the skills of co-operation.

By the way, this mentioned that infants are likely to be selfish. However the director of the Max Planck 
Institute for Evolutionary Anthropolgy, has found that even infants are co-operator. They willingly
co-operate with people they do not know. They tend to share goods like toys and food. They are helpful
and informative, even with strangers.
The Swiss economist  has conducted thousands of experiments with people, called social dilemma games,
to test their willingness to share money with other people. In general, only 20% and at most 30% play these
games selfishly; 50% to 60% play co-operatively.
Our evolutionary success depends on our ability for problem-solving, and all problem-solving depends on 
co-operation.  professor of biology and mathematics at Harvard University, argues that co-operation is
the hidden, driveng force of evolution: "Co-operation was the principle architect of 4 billion years of
evolution. Co-operation built the first bacterial cells, then higher cells, then complex multicellular life …
Co-operation can draw living matter upward to higher levels of organisation. It generates the possibility for greater.
Now the new forms of co-operation will be needed at every level of our lives, – love, care, friendship,
respect, trust – also come from co-operative relationships.